
Heal Naturally

Whether you are just starting your health journey or have been working toward a goal for some time. You are in the right place!

Abel Chiropractic strives to empower families’ health journeys by providing experienced care, transformative education & a space of intentional healing. Bringing the best in low force chiropractic care & holistic health services.


Functional Medicine Health Coaching

Health encompasses the totality of your life- thoughts, traumas, toxins, and your unique threshold. These factors need to be addressed to help regain health and balance – or they can lead to disease. By integrating traditional women’s wisdom with the latest evidence-based preventative health and wellness measures you are taken on a journey into addressing the root cause of your physical, emotional and/or spiritual influences of your wellness or disease.


Functional Blood Chemistry

Blood tests come back normal, but you don’t feel right? Normal does not mean optimal. Training in Mastering Functional Blood Chemistry utilizes a system of evaluating metabolic pathways and biomarkers that have not yet progressed to a state of diagnosable disease. A valuable and efficient screening tool for evaluating the overall status of your health and addressing any sub-clinical health problems with preventative measures before they manifest as full-blown disease.


Wise Woman Tradition

A heart centered healing approach focused on nourishing, supporting others in their transformations, empowering them, and connecting them to the wisdom within themselves. Prevention is at the foundation of wholeness and health is viewed as an interconnected web. We accomplish this through chiropractic care, & functional medicine health coaching.

Other Services


Conditions Commonly Worked With

  • Women’s Health & Wellness

  • Mind, Mood, Sleep

  • Gut Health & Imbalances

  • Reducing Inflammation

  • Immune System Regulation

  • Food as Medicine

Office Hours

Monday: 9am – 5pm
9am – 5pm
1:30pm – 5:30pm
9am – 5pm
By Appointment

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Buy NutriDyn Supplements Here

Wellness Check